LLM Action Analytics

Every LLM Action is logged and you can download those Logs directly from the action.

Aggregate Log Data will provide the following top level coutns

  • Action Name

  • Successful Runs

  • Failed Runs

  • Number of times run

  • Average duration

  • Average tokens

  • Average input tokens

  • Average output tokes

  • Average moderation duration

  • Total duration

  • Total moderation duration

  • Total tokens

  • Total input tokens

  • Total output tokens

Detailed log data will instead provide for every LLM action run the following information

  • Action name

  • Action run time

  • Duration

  • Total tokens

  • Input tokens

  • Output tokens

  • User prompt

  • System prompt

  • llm_response value (default output value)

  • Moderation duration

  • % of moderation as part of the total duration

  • All other output attribute values

Last updated