Webchat Controls

This page takes a look at the controls available on your OpenDialog chatbot.

Once you have opened your chatbot and are actively using it, there are a number of controls available to you from the chatbot interface. In this section, each control will be highlighted and described, ensuring that you know exactly what each icon represents and how to use them effectively.

All of these controls can be customised through the webchat interface settings page.

Within the top header of every chat bot, there is a variety of different controls that you can use


The minimise button here allows you to close down your conversation when you are finished, or simply need to take a break from the chatbot.

To do this, locate the minimise icon in the top right corner, and click it once to close your current chatbot window.

Next to the minimise icon, there is the main chatbot control menu. What goes into this menu is customisable by you in the Interface Settings section of the conversation engine. From here, you can choose to have the following actions available from within your main menu:

  • Language

  • Download chat

  • Restart chat

  • End chat

To locate the main menu controls, find the 3 dots icon in the left hand corner. Click on the icon to bring up the menu. Example below:

Speech to Text

Another available control is the Speech to Text feature. This feature allows you to use your microphone to speak to the chatbot, which will then turn your speech into text.

To access this feature, find the microphone button in the bottom left corner. Clicking this will activate your microphone. After your microphone has been activated, you can speak your message and it will be translated into text. This text can then be sent as a response to the chatbot to continue the conversation.

Call To Action (CTA)

The Call to Action (CTA) is located when you minimise the chatbot that you are currently using. This CTA is also available instantly when your chatbot starts minimised on a given scenario. You would click the CTA to bring up and interacting with the chatbot.

To customise the text within the CTA, you can create a CTA message, with information on how to do this available by following the link above.

You are also able to customise the look and feel of your CTA button. This can be done via the webchat interface settings section of the conversation engine.

Last updated