Conditions and operators

Conditions are a way that attributes can be used to shape the flow of the conversation. These conditions are essentially asking a question. If the answer to that question is yes, then the message is eligible for use in the conversation. The various questions being asked are called Operations.

Available operations on individual conditions

Is True

Can be used with Boolean Attributes

Checks if Attribute value is equal to "True"

Is False

Can be used with Boolean Attributes

Checks if Attribute value is equal to "False"


Can be used with Integer, Float, and String Attributes

Checks if Attribute value is equal to a set value in the condition

Not Equals

Can be used with Integer, Float, and String Attributes

Checks if Attribute value is not equal to a set value in the condition

Greater Than

Can be used with any Attribute with a numerical value

Checks if Attribute value is greater than the set value in the condition

Greater Than or Equal To

Can be used with any Attribute with a numerical value.

Checks if Attribute value is greater than or equal to the set value in the condition

Less Than

Can be used with any Attribute with a numerical value

Checks if Attribute value is less than the set value in the condition

Less Than or Equal To

Can be used with any Attribute with a numerical value.

Checks if Attribute value is less than or equal to the set value in the condition

Time Passed Equals

Can be used with last_seen Attribute

Checks if last_seen Attribute is equal to the set value in the condition

Time Passed Greater Than

Can be used with last_seen Attribute

Checks if last_seen Attribute is greater than the set value in the condition

Time Passed Less Than

Can be used with last_seen Attribute

Checks if last_seen Attribute is less than the set value in the condition

Is Not Set

Can be used with any Attribute

Checks if the Attribute does not have a value set

Is Set

Can be used with any Attribute

Checks if the Attribute does have a value set

Is Empty

Can be used with any Attribute

Checks if the Attribute does not have a value

Is Not Empty

Can be used with any Attribute

Checks if the Attribute value does have a value

In Set

Can be used with String Attributes

Checks if the Attribute value includes the text value set in the condition

Not In Set

Can be used with String Attributes

Checks if the Attribute value does not include the text value set in the condition

Operators to combine multiple conditions

You can chain or group multiple conditions (two or more) together and apply them to any Conversation Object or Message Template, enabling validation through an operator. Currently, the supported operators for chaining conditions are And and Or.

By default, the operator for multiple conditions is set to And.


Let’s consider an example with two conditions for a Conversation Object: user_name and user_email.

  • And Operator: If the operator is set to And, the chained conditions will be true only when both conditions are met. For instance, the object will be considered valid only if both user_name and user_email are set.

  • Or Operator: When the operator is set to Or, the chained condition will be true if either of the conditions is met. In this case, the object will be valid if either user_name or user_email is set.

The above also applies to Message Templates.

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